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The Midnight Oil: Your skin survival guide for the party season

It’s coming up to that time of year again, when late nights and little sleep can quickly take their toll on our skin.

Sleep sacrifices aside, however, there’s more beauty implications to the festive season than we might foresee when we’re busy living it up the office party. Late night half-hearted make up removal, alcohol and nutritionally questionable midnight munchies, need we say more, also all have a lot to answer for!

A few extra eye bags might well seem a small price to pay for enjoying the fun of the festive season, but tell tale dark rings often aren’t the only giveaway of a good nightl! Dry skin, breakouts and uneven skin tone can also become common problems at this time of year, which is why it always pays to amp up your regular skincare routine if you’re planning on burning the midnight oil this December.

Ironically, the solution might lie in a very different kind of midnight oil... preferably one super-charged with rosehip, pomegranate and evening primrose…applied as the last thing you do before falling into bed!

Luckily, this is as easy as it sounds, thanks to the Spoiled Bee Cosmetics, who have cleverly concocted a botanical collagen serum that goes some way towards helping recoup some of the moisture and nutrients that Christmas takes out.

Used daily in the evening after cleansing (yes sorry, there’s no getting out of that one), the serum makes an extra nourishing precursor to moisturiser, giving the skin what it needs to repair and regenerate by the time the morning after the night before comes around.

Sponsored by The Spoiled Bee

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