It’s a common misconception that you need an allotment, or at least a sizeable garden, to be able to grow your own fruit and vegetables.
Truth is, all you actually need is a bucket, and some lettuce seeds!
Thanks to Marks and Spencer, we managed to get hold of some earlier in the year as part of their #littlegarden campaign, and now look what’s blossomed in the bucket in the garden?
Besides the ready supply of fresh lettuce this little guy is supplying (hello Tacos!!)… there is another sneaky benefit to nurturing a little leaf baby!
First and foremost, growing vegetables has been shown to benefit mental health and wellbeing.
These benefits range from the improved confidence that comes from creating something from scratch, coupled with the mindfulness element of spending time outdoors.
As Growing for Wellbeing Week gets underway, this is one of those nothing-to-lose activities that we can all jump on board with. Just add it to the lockdown bucket list, if you haven’t already!