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Modern malaise

'Tech neck', 'imposter syndrome', 'inboxominia' and 'nutrichondia' are just a handful of the new wave of health conditions that our modern lifestyles have created. Many of these we mightn't initially have heard of, but chances are you might relate to some of the symptoms of these increasingly common 21st century problems.

Tech neck

With the increasing use of computers, laptops, smart phones and tablets, more people than ever are suffering from "tech neck," a term used to describe neck pain directly attributed to technology use. Left untreated, tech neck has the potential to lead to chronic pain and even a permanent change in your skeleton.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a buzz phrase that is defined by the fear that you’ll be exposed as inadequate, or a failure, despite all evidence proving you’re successful, It’s a mindset more common than people realise, with AXA PPP healthcare's research revealing that nearly a third (31%) of Brits feel they’re a failure in all aspects of their life. Imposter Syndrome causes strong feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, a tendency to play down your strengths, and feeling uncomfortable accepting praise, so say the experts at CABA.

Click here for tips on how to overcome Imposter Syndrome

Inboxomnia is an increasingly common symptom of our “always available” culture, defined as insomnia caused by checking emails late at night. Some experts believe that blue light emitted from screens affects the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, which is causing an increase in sleep disturbances. Research has shown that 23% of young people go on social media and 26% browse the internet when they are having trouble sleeping. However, this is likely to be making the situation worse.


Nutrichondria is defined as a pre-occupation with the negative details of one’s diet, and a propensity to self-diagnose food intolerances or allergies. it is thought that 1 in 3 British adults is a Nutrichondriac, with 32% believing they are dairy intolerant and 24% intolerant to gluten. This is according to research by DNAFit.

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