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Kate Johnson

'Leaking urine does not have to be a part of motherhood'

Urinary incontinence is a common problem which causes unintentional passing of urine in sufferers. While there are several types of urinary incontinence, one of the most recognised is stress incontinence, the symptoms of which can be triggered by pressure, whether from coughing, or laughing, for example. Stress incontinence is usually the result of weakening or damage to the muscles that are used to prevent urination, including the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral sphincter. This can result from pregnancy and childbirth, although ageing is also a factor.

What can be done?

Approaches to treatment mainly include lifestyle changes, such as losing weight if necessary, and cutting down on caffeine and alcohol. However, by far the most effective approach is thought to be pelvic floor exercises, which research indicates are often crucial in reducing and helping stop leaks.


Kate Johnson, Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach 'Peeing myself while exercising was not something I had ever considered. Yet, that’s exactly what happened after my first baby. Mom friends told me this was my new mom reality. Kegel marathons, black pants and even pads were to be a part of my new normal. As a CrossFit coach and athlete, I sought out further education on why I was leaking and how to fix it. I was fortunate to discover Brianna Battles, founder of the Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism program. Through her program I learned about Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. In a few short therapy sessions, we identified the cause and implemented strategies that now leave me dry and with a passion of educating hope to women. With help from a PFPT and strategies based on each person's unique considerations, leaking urine does not have to be a part of motherhood'

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