Hummus trio
Makes about 500g/17½oz of each
Prep: 5mins
Cook: 5mins
Equipment: Food processor
For the beetroot hummus:
2 x cooked beetroot
1 x 400g/13½oz tin chickpeas
2tbsp x tahini
4tbsp x olive oil
½ x lemon, squeezed
1tsp x salt
1tsp x nigella seeds
1. Peel and roughly chop the beetroot. Place in a food processor with the chickpeas, tahini, a good squeeze of lemon and a sprinkling of salt. Blitz to a rough textured paste - add a little water if the mixture is too thick. Check seasoning and blitz again.
2. Lightly toast the nigella seeds and stir through the hummus
For the turmeric hummus:
1 x 400g/13½oz tin chickpeas
2tbsp x tahini
4tbsp x hemp oil
½ x lemon, squeezed
1tsp x turmeric
1tsp x salt
1tsp x chilli flakes
3. Place all the ingredients except for the chilli flakes in a food processor and blitz to a rough textured paste - add a little water if the mixture is too thick. Check seasoning and blitz again
4. Sprinkle over the chilli flakes
For the basil hummus:
25g/1oz x bunch of basil
1 x 400g/13½oz tin chickpeas
2tbsp x tahini
4tbsp x avocado oil
½ x lemon squeezed
1tsp x salt
1tsp x sesame seeds
5. Place all the ingredients except for the sesame seeds in a food processor and blitz to a rough textured paste - add a little water if the mixture is too thick
6. Check seasoning and blitz again
7. Lightly toast the sesame seeds and stir through the hummus
To serve
Celery, cucumber and carrots
Author credit: Camille Knowles