Living my life as a Naturopath, Chef & Author means a typical work week varies from day-to-day Therefore the importance of creating structure & routine around my health & lifestyle choices was something I realised I needed to maintain for energy, healthy sleep, diet & longevity My mornings always start with a 30sec body scan while I'm lying in bed - it's a quick check in with my mind, body & soul to see how it feels after its just had rest It tells me how I can look after my body by noticing hydration & energy levels, hunger, if there are any aches & pains and what my thoughts & emotions are doing for that day Each morning I have cuddles with my cat! Very important! Then take a 50ml shot of potent ginger, lemon & pineapple/grapefruit juice Followed by drinking a mix of 'greens for life' & VitC powders with water I love fruit & my body responds really well to it so I usually follow a fruit til noon rule - with the addition of kefir or whole natural yoghurt if I feel like it My typical work day will either consist of shopping for food, preparing food, or delivering food for my bespoke food service Or I'll be taking care of admin/emails, lecturing, doing workshops, talks, catering jobs or food demonstrations, writing new recipes and working on my new book, photo shoots, filming youtube videos, writing blogs for my website, recording podcasts for my upcoming podcast, planning, running or organising retreats I am not exaggerating when I say every day is different & often all my days are a little bit of each of these things which makes it exciting & never boring! Evenings are sacred though! I love to unwind in my hammock I have in the garden. I love looking up into the trees & the sky to switch my mindset over from work to rest I reply to messages on my phone from that day during that time & then switch my phone onto flight mode & plug it into charge in the kitchen I eat dinner early (6pm) & then try not to drink anything past 8pm Dinner is often a bowl of ramen, dhal, roasted veggies or lots of blanched greens with a satay sauce . Before bed, I cleanse my face & then apply oils. Brush my teeth & lastly take a probiotic.
Photo: @calmacbeth