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‘You had the power all along, my dear’

If you spent your childhood carrying around a fake dog and begging your parents for some red, shiny shoes, then the news that The Wizard of Oz has being voted the most influential film of all time probably won’t have come as a huge surprise. Back in the day, the appeal was almost certainly the kaleidoscope of colours and the magical undertones - the ultimate fodder for young imaginations! Fast forward a few decades, and it’s apparent how the inspiration goes far beyond playground games and Christmas wish lists (though surely nobody would say no to those red shoes under the Christmas tree... even at 35!?!) Watched though adult eyes, the underlying messages of innate power and family values resonate in a way that they couldn’t without the benefit of a hearty dose of wisdom and life experience. Among some of these most inspirational messages - which we could all do with being reminded of from time to time - are: 💥 You have all the brains, heart and courage you’ll ever need to succeed and reach your potential 💥Nobody can show you the way, you have to find it for yourself. #wizardofoz #inspirationalquotes #friday #fridayquotes #yellowbrickroad #thewizardofoz 

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