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ON-NOMI: The virtual way to celebrate National Gin & Tonic Day

There’s no denying, we’re all starting to miss our friends, and the social aspect of meeting in a pub or a bar to share a drink and ruminate over life, love and everything in between.

These are the little liberties we all probably took for granted, with the current lockdown situation enough to make us realise just how important these face-to-face interactions really are.

Luckily, all is not completely lost on the social front, as a new trend is catching on known as ‘on-nomi’. It translates as ‘drinking online’ in its native Japan, and while not necessarily what some would call a 'health trend', there is scope for a balanced, moderate take on this concept, which aligns with that applying to real life social situations.

The idea of getting a group of people together on FaceTime, Skype or Zoom, to recreate your ‘local’ in your own living room, is something that might just have legs as a way to continue taking advantage of the health benefits of social connection, in isolation.

It goes without saying, the same rules regarding alcohol consumption still apply, but weighed up against social value of ‘on-nomi’, there is arguably a place for the odd virtual happy hour in most people’s ‘anti isolation’ action plan.

Supporting this message of balance, moderation and safe drinking habits are Fatty’s Organic Spirits, who specialise in 100% organic, sustainable, international award winning, artisan spirits. Their refreshing, clean gin is perfect to enjoy in the sunshine, and is best served over ice, with a light tonic and cucumber garnish (or check out their cocktail recipes here).

As an organic brand, certified by Soil Association, their ingredients are free from chemicals, growth enhancing agents, fertilisers and pesticides.

On what is officially National Gin and Tonic Day, this ‘choose organic’ message has never been more relevant, as we are all in a position where we need to look more closely at our choices and habits, to ensure they aren’t to our disservice during this already potentially taxing time on our health.

Within these guidelines, the importance of quality over quantity is coming to the fore, and this is something that is as applicable to our choice of tipple… as it is our social interactions.

We might not be seeing our friends as much, but making the moments of connection count (by removing distractions and actively engaging) will no doubt go a long way towards making lockdown more bearable, and the ‘retrouvailles’ (reuiniting after a significant time apart) that much sweeter when it eventually happens!

Enter healthmag10 at the checkout to get 10% off a 70cl single bottles of Fatty's Organic Spirits, valid until 18th April.

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