One of the things I love most about cooking in summer, is that it tends to make meal-prep feel (and look) a lot less like ‘slaving over a hot stove’… and a lot more like carefree, culinary abandon!
The recipe book – it’s nowhere to be seen, and instead, the only method I swear by is one that looks like ‘throwing it all together,’ and hoping for the best.
It’s a testament to ‘guess-work is best work’ method, and an approach that seems to work especially well on those stiflingly hot, humid evenings, where the currency of a quick-and-easy Waldorf, is king!
In the realms of ‘salad dinners’, especially, this method is hard to go wrong with, but the beauty isn’t so much in the eating… as it is in the making.
It’s the sense of fun and frivolity that prevails when the ‘cooking music’ goes on, the doors are flung open, and a glass of Alberto Nani Prosecco is poured!
These big-little details - they’re arguably THE reason for my new-found love of whipping up a summer salad, and the only explanation I can come up with, as to why ‘me time’ and meal prep, now seem one and the same.
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