Perfectly stylised food photos are all well
and good, but oftentimes, ‘foodstagram’ ambition can detract from the relatively greater importance of what’s INSIDE the pot.
Of course, meal presentation and appetite will always remain closely linked, but when in comes to nutrition, ‘inner beauty’ reigns supreme!
By way of this theory, what this ‘one pot salad’ rejects in neatness and appropriate servewear, it more than makes up for in substance. Local, wholefood ingredients, most notably, in a nod to self-catering holiday making-do at its best.
Granted, appearances might not do the delight of Crete’s finest five-a-day justice, but still, it’s a touchstone in the #nofilter here’s-one-I-made-earlier movement, bringing something refreshingly unpretentious (not to mention healthy) to the table!