Eating outside is one of those things that I started the summer thinking we’d be doing every day, but as it’s turned out, the number of ‘al fresco’ meals we’ve actually enjoyed has been... a mere handful.
This realisation is disappointing, to say the least, but the slow start to this year’s warmer weather, certainly had a lot to do with it.
With this in mind, and in the interests of making up for lost dinners in the sunshine, the week started as it meant to go on… with a plush pasta salad in the garden!
This particular recipe is one that my daughter likes to get involved in the making of, mainly owing to its easiness… but also the fact that it features olives, which curiously have turned out to be this eclectically-palated six-year-old's favourite food!
What I especially like about the recipe, is that there’s no sauce or cooking required (beyond the actual pasta.) Simply stir in the ‘green’ ingredients (asparagus, olives, basil), sundried tomatoes and a pot or two of YAMAS! Whipped feta, depending on the quantity you are making, and then serve with a green salad and sides.
YAMAS! Whipped feta is a unique combination of Greek yoghurt and feta, as is the newest (and possibly the most novel!) way to enjoy this quintessential Greek cheese. The feta is made according to the authentic PDO recipe which uses pasteurised sheep and goat’s milk, and the Greek yogurt made from Cow’s milk, is strained in the traditional manor, and contains live cultures. The result is a creamy and versatile product which works just as well as a dip or spread, as it does as a deliciously savoury-yet-slightly-tangy sauce.
For those evenings when speed if of the essence (it’s the race to catch the last of the day’s warmth, before the sun begins its earlier-and-earlier descent), this light yet satisfying recipe is hard to go wrong with. An additional incentive, is that it offers much scope for ‘switch ups’, whereby the sub-ingredients can be swapped out according to taste, creating potential for many and varied incarnations of the same dish.
Next up, Whipped feta, pancetta and roasted pepper… perhaps?
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