There’s a lot of pressure on cakes right now, to live up to Instagram’s picture perfect standards!
Within this sugar-coated showreel of social media, however, it’s often the simplest of ideas that succeed in catching our eye the most.
One such idea is this no-frills, sprinkle-happy delight that was arguably the high point of being at school in the 80s and 90s! (Thanks @marthacollison for reminding us of this little gem!)
Luckily, we’ve found some scope to level up this tray-baked treat in the nutrition ranks, thereby making it a touch healthier than its refined reputation might suggest.
In this instance, we added grated courgette (peeled) to the mix, so transforming the ultimate stodgy dessert...into a surprising source of ‘stealth veg’ capable of fooling grown ups and little ones alike!
Understated in its brightly-coloured, nostalgic glory, the ‘school dinner cake’ is the long-outgrown favourite that we never knew our adult selves would need, especially now...and lumpy custard n’all!