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Christmas with...

We asked some of our favourite health influencers how they’ll be spending Christmas this year, and here’s what they said:

Amie Dawson @fitnessforster

“Christmas Day is very much about rest and relaxation for me. This year I am spending it at home with my husband and our dog, Ollie. We will be cooking Christmas dinner together and enjoying a day of quality time (we don’t get much of this due to owning our own businesses). We are lucky that both my husbands parents and my mum live nearby so we always pop to see them on Christmas morning for present swapping and a catch up. I’m particularly looking forward to enjoying Christmas just the three of us this year.“

Zoe Woodward @alohaandcoffee

'Christmas Day is the one time we all down tools and celebrate together. We eat, we laugh and we celebrate the fact we are a family. Our traditions start on Christmas Eve with Santa’s tray and when the kids go to bed, me and my husband have a glass of mulled wine and snuggle up to watch a film. Christmas Day is chaos! 4 kids means lots of presents and lots of food! We visit family, we eat good food then we collapse in a food coma in front of a film. The only rule is we ditch all technology for dinner. No phones, laptops, tablets. We pull crackers, wear party hats and connect. It’s something I hope will never change.'

Emily Wright @thewrightfoodie

'I spent Christmas Day with a ton of family – exchanging presents, playing games and of course, doing a lot of eating. But, even though I am planning on stuffing myself with mince pies (refined sugar and all!), one thing is for sure - I will enjoy every single mouthful and there will be absolutely ZERO guilt attached.'

Armana Rai @armana_rai

'On Christmas day I always get out for a few easy miles because I love to run, and always have a spare half hour in the morning! I try and keep to my training routine as much as possible in general during the festive period, but it can be hard! I spend the rest of the day with my family - parents, cousins, aunts and uncles and love it as it's so hard to get everyone together these days! During the festive period, I never say no to celebrations - I eat and drink as much as I like as it’s so important to spend time with family and friends and to make memories together.'

Laura Hoggins @laurabiceps

'Christmas Day for me is a celebration of what has been an exceptional year, a time to relax, hang out with my family with absolutely zero understanding of what time it is, no where to be, no gym to go to, just enjoying every single moment, and every single Minstrel. One day to truly let go, and be present. Its a little tradition for me to go for a run on Christmas morning, so I’m gonna chuck my headphones on and get out on the road, ready to help prepare the food. No rules, no expectations, just have fun.'

'My Christmas has and always will be cosy, relaxed and indulgent! I’m a massive foodie and Christmas day hugely centres around good food and drink. We usually treat ourselves to a big M&S food shop. We stay in our pyjamas all day, drink prosecco and eat chocolate from our stockings for breakfast, have a gargantuan Christmas lunch in between festive movies and board games and finish with a cheese board and an aged bottle of red. I don’t really calorie count on a normal day but December 25th is one where that definitely goes out the window!'

If there was one common thread across the board, it is that merry and ‘guilt free’ are one and the same on this most cherished and special day of the year. Enjoy!

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