Just in case you missed the memo, I’m currently in a bit of a #celinedion era, and for some reason, this particular audio from her latest documentary, just so happened to strike a chord!
Maybe it’s because I spent my youth squeezing into too-tight shoes, but all-the-while relishing in the uplift that prevailed in spite of the agony!
Nowadays, I can very well see that shoe-horning oneself into gravity-defying footwear goes against good foot ergonomics and posture care.
However, there’s something about the defiance of stiletto’ing it up regardless, that’s proving shamefully intriguing.
It’s that burning question of whether the psychology of feeling ‘peak sexy’ is enough to negate the physical price of forcing one’s feet into an unnaturally over-arched position.
I’m not informed enough on this matter to commit to either standpoint, but if I was to approach this argument from the angle of ‘life is short. Do what makes you happy’ then I’m pretty sure… the gold sling backs would have more than a leg to stand on!