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Writer's pictureCaroline Matthews

Playday… all the way!

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

The concept of ‘finding your more!’ (as @officiallymcconaughey so poignantly puts it in this audio) is one that I started the day writing a rather lengthy blog post about.

It was an interesting idea to explore, and especially in relation to health, where the narrative so rarely extends to such abstract concepts.

Ultimately, my ‘mores’ weren’t particularly original or groundbreaking. However, committing them to digital ink DID transpire to be something of a prophecy, as the remainder of my day (spent at Playdate at Henley Festival) was this list… incarnate!

As the family-oriented branch of this popular riverside festival, ‘Playdate’ is an opportunity like no other, to bring ‘quality time’ (among other lifestyle aspirations) to fruition, and all through the medium of fun, the arts, food and creativity.

Among this year’s line up, were Bubble Fairy (who’s ‘magic’ nets produced the biggest bubbles you’ve surely ever seen!), a carousel, a silent disco, Punch and Judy (the original Mr & Mrs are still going strong!), face painting, a circus skills area, balloon animals and not forgetting Zelva - the giant tortoise.

This event comes but once a year, more’s the pity! However, I feel this is both apt and ironic, given that my earlier aforementioned list, strongly stipulated ‘less’.. as ‘a more.’

🔗 ‘What’s your more?’ blog is linked here

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