I heard this audio the other day, and it made me think about… short cuts, and just how underrated they are as a stress-reducing, life-streamlining tool.
By short-cuts, what I mean of course are the everyday little workarounds (or hacks, for want of a more trendy buzzword) that make life just that little bit easier… and therefore, more pleasant.
Like ready-made cookie dough, for example.
On the face of it, taking out all the measuring, mixing, kneading and rolling aspects of home-baking - it seems somewhat counterintuitive.
After all, it’s in the apron-wearing, wooden-spoon wielding aesthetic, that baking’s credibility as an ‘enrichment activity’ lies.
I get it… and can well testify to the meditative aspect of taking the time to do things properly. From scratch.
What I can also appreciate, though is that sometimes (just sometimes) there is just as much to be said for taking that *much-maligned* path of least resistance.
For buying the ready made cookie dough…and recognising this one *controversial* truth.
That what many cheat-shaped choices take away in ‘sensory stimulation’, they repay in dividends which go above and beyond the absence of washing up and flour-smeared surfaces.
One such dividend, if I had to pick one, is the mind-ease of more time to spend on other enriching tasks, whilst still leveraging the unfailing power of ‘freshly baked’, to bring a family together.