Some of you may know… March is host to International Women’s Day - a focal point in the movement for female empowerment.
Given that YOGA and empowerment are inextricably linked, what better way to celebrate and cultivate this commodity than by joining us on 29th March for an exclusive WOMAN meets WARRIOR (pose) themed event?
Yoga has long been used as a tool for empowerment, and not just because it helps to build the physical strength with which to meet life’s challenges.
In addition to this, yoga provides a means to build self-trust and intuition, along with the tools to be able to ‘self-distance’ and look at life with the detachment necessary to respond more positively to its challenges.
By turning up on the mat, Yogis learn to attune more effectively to the ‘voice’ of their body (from the intensity of a pose, to the relief when it’s over), as opposed to what the chaotic mind has to say.
THIS, in itself, can help cultivate something much deeper than confidence, over time. Something which is defined by a greater sense and feel for what serves you (what CAN be done, and what SHOULD be done), as well as what doesn’t…and how to respond accordingly.
One of the beauties of such EMPOWERMENT, is that has habit of spilling outwards, and it is this chain reaction of ‘can do’ that we at Health Magazine - together with Happy Heart Flow - hope to help ignite at THISGIRLCAN Yoga next month.

If you’d like to join us, and for more details, please go to www.health-magazine.co.uk/events.
Tickets are on sale now at an exclusive early bird rate of £18.